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Sunday 25 December 2011

Gilani rejects Firdous Ashiq Awan's resignation from ministerial position

Gilani rejects Firdous Ashiq Awan's resignation from ministerial position

During cabinet meeting, information minister says her support will remain with the PPP

KARACHI: Federal Minister for Information Dr Firdous Ashiq Awan announced her resignation from her ministerial post during a cabinet meeting held on Sunday but said in an unofficial statement that Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani has rejected the resignation, Express News reported.
Teary-eyed Awan delivered an emotional speech in the cabinet meeting, and criticised the policies of the ruling Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP). She went on to say that she still supports and is aligned with the PPP.
Addressing Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani, Awan said: “While endorsing your leadership, I don’t think I can continue as a member of the cabinet. With your permission, I would like to submit my resignation.”
She said that she does not need to be part of a ministry which poses problems for the party and does not consider herself worthy of fulfilling her role as a minister any longer.
“I endorse your leadership (but) I think I am not competent enough to continue as cabinet member and hence submit my resignation,” Awan tearfully said at a televised cabinet meeting.
She did not cite any other reason behind her move, however certain reports suggest that Prime Minister Gilani had asked her to resign for her failure to defend effectively the government policies.
It was not immediately clear if she was forced to resign or if she quit voluntarily as some analysts say Awan may have been forced to resign due to her failure to convincingly defend the government in the Memogate scandal.
Following Sherry Rahman and Qamar Zaman Kaira, Awan is the third information minister who resigned from this slot during PPP government’s four-year rule.
Previously, Pakistan’s newly appointed Ambassador to the United States Rehman had also submitted her resignation as the information minister in March 2009 over the government’s handling of the media, and won kudos from the press for taking a stance on the issue.


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